Sunday, September 4, 2011

Here I am Lord...Send ME!

Every time that I plan my future after I graduate from college, the Lord empresses on my heart that I belong elsewhere. I have made plans to teach high school, move to Mississippi to be with my family and move on to obtain my Masters in Education. Then I hear a small whisper that I need to be doing something else.
Two weeks ago I heard the whisper again, and I have stepped out in faith. Lord willing by February of 2013 I will be moving to Honduras. I will be a missionary to a community of people in the city of SanPedril on el Monte de Santidad (Holy Mountain). I have listened to the Lord and committed two years of service.
Every imperfection and inadicuacy has entered my mind, to why I should not go. I am reminded of the story of Moses is Exodus 4. Moses tried every excuse in the book of why he could not go before Pharaoh and set the Israelites free from slavery, but God always had a rebuttal.
I may not be ordained, have a ministry license, under a large church fellowship or have years of experience but, I have a calling on my life from the Almighty God of the universe that continues to equip me everyday. I am sitting at the feet of Jesus with my empty cup and taking my first steps out of the boat!
So its official. I'm a missionary to Honduras.

1 comment:

Dana said...

After wiping tears, I have to say that I can't think of a better place than Honduras to be a servant of God using the talents He has generously given you.

There are plenty who say they would like to go where God sends them. There are few who actually go.

Jesus chose fishermen to turn the world upside down, and He will use you as you walk forward in faith to His prompting.

Love you! Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm